Part 54: Garlyle Base/Train NPC Chatter
Welcome back! Today we'll be going through the Garlyle Base for snippets of conversations.
Well, what about once we get the jail key that Leen had on her?

: She puts a lock on this, but drops a key. I don't know if that woman's careful, or careless.
If you try to escape the prison section without Sue and Feena, they yell at you.

: Sorry, sorry! I'll get you out now!
Can't raid the lockers. But what about those posters?
Huh. So Mullen has complete control of the Garlyle Air Force.

: We can't even go out at night. These New World units do have strict rules.

: Do you hear anything, Justin? In the duct back here, I can't hear the voices.

: No. Nothing interesting.

: These New World units do have strict rules. I want to have fun sometimes.

: Ha ha. What are you saying? There's no town nearby, so what'd you do even if you did go out?

: But that makes more work for us. The higher the technology, the more it has to be maintained.

: Say, do you hear something? How about it? Justin?

: Must be the military train. But keep it down, Sue. They'll hear us.

: Ahh, that military train. I'd like to drive it myself.

: I'm glad I believed him when Colonel Mullen said that I had ability. It'll be an honor to fly behind the Colonel on my first flight the day after tomorrow.

: Here they are! And? Is Lieutenant Leen number 1 again?

: Should 'a known it! She's far and away the best! Next is Sergeant Mio.

: Hmmm. Once again. Lieutenant Leen IS nice to her subordinates.

: Lieutenant Leen is fine too, but Sergeant Mio isn't bad either. She's quiet, with an elegant flair.
She also told me that "noncombatant" is just another word for "won't fight back when you stab them".

: No, no, I'll take Sergeant Saki. It's hard to pick. Take a look, isn't she cute?

: Hah. Hah. Hah. I know, I like all of them!

: Say, Justin. Have you heard anything about the boy?

: Naw, they're just talking about girls. Nothing about him at all.

: Hah! Not hard at all! I am happy being able to work with superior persons like you, Sir!

: Oh, I'm not so superior. Wah ha ha!
Hmm. Sounds like he's trying to report his superior officer. Maybe this'll kick off a chain of demotions for those three?

: Whoa! They found us!

: Now that you know our military secrets, I can't let you live!
Crap, there's no grate here. Which means...

: Yikes!

: Who goes there!?
Farewell, Garlyle Soldier guy. He was too clean for this filthy world.

: Just cut that out. Who was the one who thought of testing our courage here?
Lunch. Lunch never changes.

: You never know when a battle will be drawn out, and you can't have a satisfying meal.
At least this guy here gets right to the point.
Oh yes, you can taunt the sergeants after you beat them up. Y'know, for closure.
Ha! Which of them has the poster of Mullen in her locker?
That is a fairly swanky poster of Mullen up on the pipe, though. And is that a Triforce next to the confederate flag?
Be prepared for a random encounter! ♪ Be prepared for piddly XP! ♪
Okay, this one makes me chuckle.
"What? Me plus stab equals ow? Truly this new calculation will revolutionize mathematical combat!"
And with that, the base is done! Should be able to wrap up the train, too.
Yeah, you can taunt the soldiers, too.

: Hah! There's nowhere to hide! Now behave yourself! ... Filthy beast. You got me...!
Starting from the second car, the troops identify which squad they're in. It's... a thing?

: Darn you. You got me...! Sergeant Saki's gonna have my...!
And, in the next car...

: The pride of the Bloody Rose Squad is at stake! We can't let you escape! So give up! ... How can I face sergeant Nana...! The pride of the Bloody Rose Squad....

: Desert Moon Squad, this is it! Get ready! ... To think I just got assigned to Sergeant Mio's unit...!
Eek. This guy's dialog is more broken-up than the others'. Either he's terrified of Mio, or we hit him way too hard.
Either way, that's the end of the train! Tune in next time for Luc Village! It shouldn't take nearly as long as New Parm!